Bardo Pond's 2008 LP, Batholith.
"Collection of six tracks that are near and dear to bardo pond but, for some reason or another, have never previously been released. that one-sentence description might lead one to think that these tracks are "outtakes" or cutting-room floor type material - neither conclusion could be further from the truth. the tracks included on batholith range from previous live staples ("a tune," one made 'famous' by opening bardo's set at terrastock II in san francisco as joined by roy montgomery [and a recording of which was featured on the KFJC compilation live from the devil's triangle, volume 2]) to tracks the band recorded in john peel sessions. Collected as a whole, these tracks form a fluid and cohesive album. Batholith is not just an exciting moment for long time bardo pond fans, but a great jumping on point for folks who are relatively new to their craft."-Three Lobed Recordings. Enjoy!